Sep 11Liked by Ramon Castellanos

Phenomenal article Ramon, I will be rethinking and reimagining the languaging I use that parallels computers. I can pin point exactly when I began with this terminology and I simply allowed it to be a shared language to describe an often inarticulate concept or understanding and navigation of the world and being.

However, it feels appropriate that it be time to reevaluate if such frameworks are still servicing me, or are now outdated and out grown.

As always, I love and appreciate your mind, friend.

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Thank you very much for reading my friend, and for sharing your take away with me.

I love that it moved you and touched you in some way.

Honored that I can play a small role in the unfolding of the path.

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Sep 3Liked by Ramon Castellanos

Love this so much!

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I appreciate you Tara.

Thank you for sharing your experience. 🙏

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I really love this piece… great writing


How do Wr then reconcile this 👇🏽

⚫️ Your Brain 🧠 is Your CPU(Central Processing Unit)

⚫️ You’re ⚡️electrical… Your skin is Your Solar⚡️Panels & We transmute food into energy(Power)

⚫️ Your DNA 🧬 is where Your Memory is held & where Your Operating Code resides(Storage & Programing)

⚫️ Your Nervous System(Circuitry)

If We’re not biological computers… We sure operate almost exactly like one & visa versa.


Just Keep In Mind.

What Computer Do You Know Of That Can’t Be HACKED⁉️

I think We’ve been hacked & a virus has been making Us glitch & “believe” that We are only Animals.

We are MultiDimensional Creator Entities


We are more than a meat sack

We are more transcendent than a mere animal

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Thanks for the kind words, in regards to loving my article.

I see that just a few days ago, you wrote an article called 'We Are Biological Computers'.

So, at the risk of getting into a polarized argument (which I have zero interest in), I will respond...

Here goes:

Any and all of the functions that you presented as being representative of both humans and computers, all point towards the fact that the humans have built a technology that 'attempts' to emulate the functions crafted into us by deep time and evolution.

Not the other way around.

Said another way: computers and modern tech are crude, unsophisticated imitations of biological life.

Example: Your skin is not a 'solar panel'.

Solar panels as a piece of tech has existed 180 years, and have simple non adaptive functions.

Skin is a incredibly sophisticated, adaptive and intelligent sense organ that has vast array of functions such as: protecting the body from physical harm and pathogens, regulating body temperature, sensing touch, pressure, and temperature changes, and producing vitamin D through exposure to sunlight; it also acts as a barrier against moisture loss and harmful substances like toxins and UV radiation.

The skin may have photo receptors, but the the skin is so much more than that. Solar panels are not. They simple mechanical instruments (when compared to biology), that do not have any adaptive capacity what so ever.

Your brain is not a CPU. That's laughable. Even the most staunch materialist scientist will tell you that human cranial brain is perhaps the most complex structure discovered in the entire universe so far. Where as a teenager can build CPU with video off YouTube.

Not to mention you nervous system is non-linearly distributed across three brains (which include your heart and gut). Circuitry and nervous systems are not equivalent. They seem the same 'some people' because they are electrically charged channels. But your nervous system is plastic, highly adaptive, and alter signal in wide variety of ways, just consider the infinite amount of ways the human body can move: from ballet dancer, to martial artist, to Olympic weightlifter and more.

All mediated by the nervous system: kt's WAY more complex than 'circuity".

And lastly...I have yet to come across a single indigenous or tribal culture that thought of animals as mere 'sacks of meat' with no soul, or considered them NOT to have multidimensional soul.

In fact, it's the opposite: they found divinity in the animals AND, I have yet to encounter one of these cultures who did not apprehend that were are multidimensional as well.

There is no need to draw such distinctions (between being animal and divine creator). That is modern idea based in the current technocratic & transhumanist agenda to dominate nature and divorce spirit from flesh.

Multidimensional does not just mean "up" as in ascension. But down, in, laterally, diagonally, and fractally.

This world is a spirit world.

I must say, to call the rest of the creatures on this planet 'mere animals' in a derogatory fashion is quite distasteful, fragmented and displays a schism between matter and spirit, that does not exist.

Not once I have said that we are not multidimensional (and for that matter, lets talk about the multidimensionally of a solar panel). If fact, if you looked into the rest of what I teach, you would see I offer methods to access highly potent, and effective methods for accessing multiple dimensions of reality (including the animal dimension).

I am both animal and multidimensional, and so is every other creature, to see it any other way fractures our totality.

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