I'm not going to say you're wrong about what early war was like for men-- your theory is plausible-- but it looks like a rather bad deal for women. After all, they might have liked the men who were killed, and there's some chance they were raped rather than admiring the winners.

As for science, there's reason to believe that one of the thing evolution selects for is being good at cooperation. This might affect how people think or feel about their situation and it might come out as a magical take on the universe.

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Thanks for your comment Nancy, but...

I am only assuming, and forgive me if I am wrong...that you did not read the whole article.

If you are referring to this:

"Human beings primarily war so that men can gain status, resources and power over other men, which then impresses women. This then let’s them have sex with more women and thus reproduce more. So basically we obliterate each other for sex and status. This is asserted to be the case because “we are animals”. The author asserts our ancestors evolved this way, and that’s why we do it too."

I am specifically saying that this is likely FALSE. So I agree with you. And, I have no theory about war. I am sharing my sense of other's theories as a part of a larger whole

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