Hello Dear Friends,
I would love it if this message has found you well and in good spirits. My apologies for a delayed update on my previous message (I Am Fighting an Infection, and Need a Short Hiatus). I am grateful to inform you that I made a full recovery, though it took longer than expected to be honest. In many ways however, the timing of the infection was a blessing. It came at a juncture when I needed to make a ‘full stop’ and shift my orientation in a variety of ways.
This time of repose from consistent transmitting has coincided with a lot of my practical day to day demands shifting in significantly, and thus the decision to reassess my priorities - for now.
With that said, the title says a lot: I will be taking a sabbatical for an unspecified amount of time. It could be a few months, or a year…the Gods of Time and Weavers of Fate might know.
My Reasons
Transmitting within the framework of the Ancestral Now has been a very demanding, and in some ways, all consuming task. It’s not just the time I spend doing the work, but time I devote to research, brainstorming, digesting and then iterating the work. It’s a lot somatically.
This has been happening along side the creation of my new book ‘In Praise of The Wild Spirit’ and designing ‘The Archetypal Ancestors Oracle Deck’ as well.
I have been blessed that I have been able to devote all my time to these tasks until now. However, as of today, these labors of love have not been able to generate an income sufficient enough to satisfy my needs. In all honesty, this has not been a priority until now, but with the state of the world being the way it is, that is changing. I hope you understand.
Thankfully, we are currently doing well enough in this regard (as in our basic survival needs are met), but I am being called to place more focus on this arena of life for the time being.
That said, I encourage you to support the artists whom inspire you in whatever way you can as this helps keep their art alive.
I am also wanting to be more present within my in-person community. I stepped away from client work over a year ago for many reasons, but apprehend that everyone I worked with benefited tremendously from it. It was hard work, but work I enjoyed nonetheless. I set it aside for multiple reasons.
In recent months, a door has slowly begun to open for me here on the Island of Hawai’i. I do not foresee this as some kind of “economical opportunity,” but more so an act of charity and good will. I am opening my heart to be more of service to those around me, my family and others in my immediate circles.
In that same spirit, I am orientating my desire to be a service in a more philanthropic way. I want to see and feel and know that resources are going those who need it. This is in part driving my desire to focus more on financial matters: to be more of service.
Lastly, I want to get much more clear about which projects to really focus on in order to consolidate my efforts around The Ancestral Now, which will be required if it is to move forward in the face of less energy being available to feed it (for now). This may mean focusing my energy around writing books or larger projects - I don’t know yet.
Moving Forward
As of now I have a few plans:
1. The release of my book ‘In Praise of The Wild Spirit’ (the working subtitle is Rewilding 21st Century Humans) in the coming months. I will let everyone know when it is published.
2. The release of my oracle deck. I hope for the deck and book to be published in 2025. Same - You will know.
3. Primordial Shamanism will have to remain on hold for the time being.
3. I may still share on here from time to time if it feels alive and aligned. However, I have no schedule for doing so.
Paying Members
If you are one of the paying members...I appreciate your patronage greatly. If you get through the materials that are already present on Substack and actually apply it, and still feel more is warranted for the price you paid to join, reach out to me for a one on one session. This on its own is worth way more than the cost of what you paid.
Honestly, I appreciate you guys so much that my main impediment for stepping away for a personal sojourn was the thought of not keeping my commitment to you.
However, I have found that I must do what I am being called to.
I feel the offer of a free session is a fair deal. If you don’t, well…sorry. I am human. I hope you can forgive me.
My next release through here will likely be in regards to the book. If you are interested in that, please keep a look out.
With much love and great appreciation for all, I hope that everything in your world blossoms and flourishes in auspicious ways.
Thank you for your patronage,
Ramon Castellanos
Thank you so much for putting out incredible work for free as well. I'm currently reading your book and it has already at the start inspired me tremendously in my work as an innovative artist-ritualist-revillager. I love your tone of unshaming, devotionality, and how you can make things so simple to understand. Blessings, and I look forward the next book and oracle deck!
Thanks Ramon for all your contribution, i made some of it part of me. And still so much to explore here. And me behind as always, due to many projects. Follow the flow and it will all work out 🌊🙏