Health Challenge as Teacher

As many of you in my community know, fate offered me the struggle of multiple serious health challenges over the years, some of which are congenital. I grew up oscillating between hospitalizations and being intensely driven.

Due to a variety of factors, including spiritual illness/kundalini syndrome, life at the wolf sanctuary, deep trauma, and congenital abnormalities, by the time I was 27, I was struggling with heart problems, digestive distress, tooth decay, arthritis, migraines, and hormonal shutdown. I was a mess. I was unsure I was going to live.

These days, I feel healthier than I have ever been, especially from a spiritual and soul-based perspective, but yes, also physically for sure. My health continues to improve daily and more often than not, I feel radiant. Though, there is still more room for integration, and wholeness making.

I created this course back when I was 29, discussing how I began to turn everything around and what the healing process taught me. Although my understanding of this subject matter has grown exponentially since then (in part due to being mentored by an Osteopathic physician and alchemist extraordinaire whom I consider a dear friend), I still feel this course can help many people who would benefit from recontextualizing the healing process.

Setting The Ground


My Health Story

From a Victim Mentality to an Empowered One

Not Everything Can Heal for Everyone

How To Use This Course

Rooting and Breaking Ground

Results Focus vs Carrying - A Paradox of Compassion

More is Not Always Better and Where We Need to Subtract

Cultivating Vitality Instead of Treating Disease

Health Challenge as Teacher

Creatures of the Earth and Children of the Space Age

Growing Strong

The Medicine of Chemicals

The Medicine of Laughter

The Medicine of Movement and

Biological Energy

The Medicine of Sounds

Toning The 7 Chakras

The Medicine of The Relaxation Response

The Medicine of Self-Massage

The Medicine of Your Primal Rhythm

+Primal Rhythm Cheat Sheet

Adapting to The Shifting Weather

The Wave Pattern and The Fractal Routine

The Good, The Great, The Ideal

Extreme Chemistry Requires Extreme Adaption

Myself as Case Study

Bearing Fruit

The Upper Limit Problem

Ego Death and Rebirth

Accepting the New Energy